Eagles Volleyball sweeps Northeast Vernon County

Congratulations to this month's Citizen's of the Month! PK-2 - Thor Combs 3-5 - Emry Kerr 6-8 - Laynee Beerly 9-12 - Reese Moore Staff - Sterling Moore Thank you for setting a great example for our students and community. Well done!

Anyone interested in youth basketball, 3rd – 6th grade, call or text Lacy Reed 417.214.0669 or Sara Beerly 417.682.1697. Practice will start in November and game will start after Christmas Break.

See the flyer for information regarding the next FFA Meeting

It's FAFSA Frenzy Day! Senior parents and students, see you tonight at 6:00!

Want to get some awesome gear for the upcoming basketball season? Check out the online store! Proceeds benefit the senior class! Sale runs through October 24th.

VB picks up another conference win vs Wheaton. Nice job, Lady Eagles!

Come see us Thursday night!

A reminder of the events for the rest of the week:
VB @ Wheaton
Crowder visit
Fire Safety Day for PK-5
Josten's order day
FAFSA Frenzy Night 6:00
Picture Day
JHBB vs Exeter
VB @ Nevco

JHBB improves their record to 5-3 on the year with a win over Sheldon. Great job, boys!

Good win for the Lady Eagles at Lockwood! Win #20 on the year!

The JHBB will take on Sheldon at home starting at 6:00. It will be an A game only.
Lady Eagles VB travels to Lockwood for a V/JV match with JV starting at 5:30 and V to follow.
Go Eagles!

JH wins big over Bronaugh tonight! Next game Monday vs Sheldon

Bronaugh is having bus issues. We will be pushing tonight’s JHBB games back to 6:00.

A few JH Basketball Updates:
Tonight's game at home with Bronaugh will start at 5:30
Monday's game at home with Sheldon will start at 6:00

See attached information about the Booster Club!

Golden City R-III School is accepting applications for bus drivers. Route drivers and activity trip drivers are needed. You may obtain an application on the district website at www.goldencityschools.com or in the Superintendent’s Office. For additional information, you may call the Superintendent’s Office at 417-537-4900.

Golden City R-III School is accepting applications for a paraprofessional and substitute teachers. The paraprofessional position will only be for the 2022-2023 school year, and applications will be accepted through October 14, 2022.
You may obtain an application on the district website at www.goldencityschools.com or in the Superintendent’s Office. For additional information, you may call the Superintendent’s Office at 417-537-4900.

Here is the link to tonight’s game!

Jostens will be here to discuss class rings and graduation items tomorrow!