Anya Gripka
Title 1 Forms/Documents/Policies
Summer Reading Challenge
About Title 1
Title 1 is the largest federal aid program for schools.
Title 1 is short for "Title 1, Part A of Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965." Its goal is to help ensure that all children especially those who are considered "at risk" get a high-quality education.
What is the schoolwide Title 1 program?
It's a program that allows an eligible school to use federal funds to upgrade or redesign its educational program.
In general, a Title 1 school is eligible to set up a schoolwide program if 40% or more of its students come from low-income families. Instead of targeting select students, a school wide Title 1 program provides support and services to raise the achievement of all students.
A schoolwide Title 1 program is meant to benefit the entire school community.
For example, it can help:
All children do better in school and meet state academic standards
Parents be more involved in their children's education
Teachers and other school staff better understand and meet the needs of children and their parents.